Progressive ~ Traditional ~ Open to All


online and in-person

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Open Hearts

Each week we gather in dynamic worship featuring inspiring music from multiple choirs. Featuring sound teaching and preaching focused on living faithfully in the real world.

In worship, we "fall in love with God."

Join us in worship every Sunday at 9:15 AM

 Fall Music Ministry

 All New ~
Crescendo Music Academy

 Crescendo Music Academy offers three great programs to choose from.  Crescendo Chimers, Beginning & Intermediate Violin, and Mallet Madness an Orff-inspired class. Small group classes for students ages 4-11 years of age. Fall classes begin September 10 , with on-going classes in strings. Please reach out for more details or to reserve a spot in advance.  

Open Minds

In small group studies, classes and special events, we nurture discipleship for all ages. We seek to better understand and practice the 'Wesleyan way' of the Christian story.

In discipleship, we "stay in love with God."

Spiritual Growth Groups 

Open Doors

Welcoming people into the community of faith, we connect and support one another through family , youth, adult , and music fellowship groups.  

In fellowship, we "share the love of God."

Up Next @ CUMC

 First Saturday Morning of Each Month

Bring your weeding gloves, bucket for weeds and a smile to share.
Friendship Garden is looking GREAT! Anxiously awaiting our first poppy blooms!
Admiring the last of our sunflowers but we will be collecting seeds to plant more along
 Friendship Garden block wall for another blooming.

Gardening is ever changing as is life!
Take seeds and plant more….
Live life to the fullest!

Contact the office for more details & meet-up time

Click to contact Kristi

Open Hands

Worship, fellowship, and discipleship work together to send us into mission locally and globally to 'transform the world.'  Mission means direct hands-on work, advocacy for justice issues, and developing resources to meet needs around the world.

In mission, we "make God's love real in the world."

Mission Groups

Physical Growth Groups

Gathering Times

Sundays at 9:15 am