As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17
Fundamentalism in Four Traditions

Session 1: Judaism
Session 2: Christianity
Session 3: Islam
Session 4:
Influential Religious Personalities

Session 1: Dorothy Day
Session 2: Tihirih & Abdu'l Ghaffer Khan
Session 3: Desmond Tutu
Session 4: C.S. Lewis
Session 5: Aurobindo Ghose & Rabindranath Tagore
Session 6:

Ongoing Groups for Spiritual Growth and Support

The Gift of Years
Reminisce the years and share personal stories about life and the process of aging, guided by Joan Chittister's book, "The Gift of Years" as a guide.
First Thursdays at 10:00 AM in the Howald Parlor
Topics include but not limited to Dreams, Regrets, Newness, Meaning, Limitations, Faith, Legacy and more. Join us as we celebrate the wisdom of aging and fellowship with friends. If you would like more information please contact Nancy Wood.
First Thursdays at 10:00 AM in the Howald Parlor
Topics include but not limited to Dreams, Regrets, Newness, Meaning, Limitations, Faith, Legacy and more. Join us as we celebrate the wisdom of aging and fellowship with friends. If you would like more information please contact Nancy Wood.

Spiritual Growth Group
The Spiritual Growth Group wishes to invite anyone (men and women) who would like to join us twice a month to do so. We meet on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, 10:00 A.M. to 11:30. We spend a few minutes saying hello and then are presented with a topic for meditation. We are led into centering meditation and then are given personal time to continue in meditation or to journal. We come back together for the last minutes to share anything we feel we would like to about our meditation and quiet time experience.
This is an individual experience within a group of persons who are all on their own path towards being all that they can be for God and this world we live in.
If you would like more information please contact Nancy Wood.
This is an individual experience within a group of persons who are all on their own path towards being all that they can be for God and this world we live in.
If you would like more information please contact Nancy Wood.

Group for Grief Sharing
Sooner or later we all experience grief from the loss of a loved one. For some, that event comes too soon. Sue LeBreton and Dr. Lynn Decker-Mahin lead a group where grief can be shared in a safe and confidential environment.
Meets on first & third Tuesdays, 10:30 - 11:30 AM in the Howald Parlor
If you would like more information please contact Dr. Lynn Decker-Mahin.
Meets on first & third Tuesdays, 10:30 - 11:30 AM in the Howald Parlor
If you would like more information please contact Dr. Lynn Decker-Mahin.
Past Classes and Recordings
Sacred Texts
Attitudes Towards Death

Session 1: Zoroastrianism & Judaism
Session 2: Christianity & Islam
Session 3: Hinduism & Buddhism
Session 4: Shintoism, Mormonism & Baha'i
History of Christian Thought

Session 1: Early Church, Apostle Paul
Session 2: Orthodox Doctrine & Cannon
Session 3: Theodosius I, Augustine, Gregory
Session 4: Anselm, Great Schism, Aquinas
Session 5: Reformation - Luther, Zwingly
Session 6: Reformation - Calvin, Wesley
Session 7: Social Gospel, Feminist Theology
Session 8: Modernity - Liberation Theology

Session 1: Jewish Texts
Session 2: Bhagavad Gita
Session 3: Christianity
Session 3: Islam
Angels & the First Christmas

Session 1: Angels Overview
Session 2: Angel Gabriel
Session 3: Message of Angels
20th Century Theologians

Session 1: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Session 2: Paul Tillich
Session 3: John Dominic Crossan
The Divine Feminine

Session 1: Judaism & Islam
Session 2: Christianity
Session 3: Hinduism & Buddhism
When Religion Becomes Evil
Session 1: Absolute Truth
Download Session 1 outline
Download Session 1 outline
Session 2: Blind Obedience
Download Session 2 outline
Download Session 2 outline
Session 3: Ideal Time & The End Justifies Means
Download Session 3 outline
Download Session 3 outline
Session 4: Declaring Holy War
Download Session 4 outline
Download Session 4 outline
Stories of Women in the Bible
Session 1: Sarah
Download Session 1 outline
Download Session 1 outline
Session 2: Tamar
Download Session 2 outline
Download Session 2 outline
Session 3: Rahab
Download Session 3 outline
Download Session 3 outline
Session 4: Ruth
Download Session 4 outline
Download Session 4 outline
Session 5: Esther
Download Session 5 outline
Download Session 5 outline
Session 6: Mary Magdalene, Mary of Bethany, Mary mother of Jesus
Download Session 6 outline
Download Session 6 outline
Wisdom Literatures
Session 1: Proverbs
Download Session 1 outline
Download Session 1 outline
Session 2: Ecclesiastes
Download Session 2 outline
Download Session 2 outline
Session 3: Job, pt.1
Download Session 3 outline
Download Session 3 outline
Session 4: Job, pt.2
Download Session 4 outline
Download Session 4 outline
Methodism 101
Session 1: History
Download Session 1 outline
Download Session 1 outline
Session 2: Theology
Download Session 2 outline
Download Session 2 outline
Session 3: Polity
Download Session 3 outline
Download Session 3 outline
Jesus in Different Religious Traditions
Session 1: Jesus in Judaism & Islam
Download Session 1 outline
Download Session 1 outline
Session 2: Jesus in Hinduism & Buddhism
Download Session 2 outline
Download Session 2 outline
Session 3: Jesus in Sikhism, Mormonism, & Baha'i Faith
Download Session 3 outline
Download Session 3 outline
The Last Week of Jesus Christ
Session 1:Palm Sunday
Download Session 1 outline
Download Session 1 outline
Session 2: Holy Monday
Download Session 2 outline
Download Session 2 outline
Session 3: Tuesday & Wednesday
Download Session 3 outline
Download Session 3 outline
Session 4: Maundy Thursday & Good Friday
Download Session 4 outline
Download Session 4 outline
Controversial Issues
Session 1: Issue of Abortion - Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice
Download Session 1 outline
Download Session 1 outline
Session 3: Capital Punishment
Download Session 3 outline
Download Session 3 outline
Session 4: Assisted Suicide
Download Session 4 outline
Download Session 4 outline
Session 5: Just War
Download Session 5 outline
Download Session 5 outline
Branches of Christianity

Session 1: Early Church, the Great Schism, Orthodoxy & Catholicism
Click here to download Session 1 outline
Click here to download Session 1 outline
Session 2: Martin Luther, the Protestant Reformation, Lutheranism
Click here to download Session 2 outline
Click here to download Session 2 outline
Session 3: John Calvin, Presbyterianism, the Reformed Traditions
Click here to download Session 3 outline
Click here to download Session 3 outline
Session 4: Anglicanism, Methodism, the Holiness Movement
Click here to download Session 4 outline
Click here to download Session 4 outline
Book of Revelation

Session 1: Introduction & Historical Overview
(Revelation 1)
(Revelation 1)
Session 2: Letters to the Churches and the Vision of Two Kingdoms (Revelation 2 - 7)
Session 3: Understanding the Signs: Seals, Trumpets & Bowls (Revelation 8 - 14)
Session 4: Fall of Babylon and the Reign of Christ
(Revelation 15 - 21)
(Revelation 15 - 21)

Early Christianity
Dr. Bill Garlington will be presenting a three-week class on early Christianity (the first three centuries) focusing on the various images of Jesus that emerged, as well as the development of scripture, doctrine and authority in the early Church.

Click the links below to view the recordings of each class.
Sacred Space in Christianity
Sacred Time in Christianity
Sacred Space in Islam
Sacred Space in Hinduism
Sacred Time in Hinduism
Sacred Space in Buddhism
Sacred Time in Buddhism
Sacred Space & Time in Zoroastrianism
Sacred Space & Time in Shintoism
Sacred Space & Time in Sikhism
Sacred Space & Time in Mormonism
Sacred Space & Time in the Baha'i Faith
Sacred Space & Time in Jainism
Journeys with Gene
Sign up for
Gene Bream's
Zoom Classes
The Magic of Provence!

Explore this fabled region of France—lavender fields & sunflowers, country churches, colossal cathedrals, serene spiritual sites, medieval castles, and stunning Roman ruins. Provence has inspired great artists like van Gogh & Cezanne & Chagall, it is home to flocks of magnificent flamingoes, and Provence offers deliciously unique cuisine and magnificent wines. In a time when it’s still tough to travel, we’ll experience bucolic landscapes, charming medieval villages, and the sun-drenched beaches of the Riviera. We’ll even try to learn how to play pétanque and speak a bit of Provençal! Eugène Bream will offer this Zoom series of four sessions starting April 6th at 3pm.
Mont-Saint Michel
Gene Bream presents a Zoom class on the islet of Mont-Saint-Michel (Normandy, France), a UNESCO World Heritage Site and its marvelous Romanesque Abbey. History and art will come together in the exploration of this second spot.

Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts
Many of you have participated in Gene Bream’s informative sessions which have included “A Pilgrimage to Chartres Cathedral”, “Glorious Stainte Chapelle à Paris”, “Da Vinci's “The Last Supper””, “Treasures of Van Gogh”, and “A Wild Truffle Hunt." Gene’s next Zoom offering will be a three-part series exploring the beauty and glories of Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts . Come join us for this journey as we trace the development of these stunning artistic gifts from the European Middle Ages.

La Sainte Chapelle
Gene Bream will take us to La Sainte Chapelle, the stunningly magnificent little church in Paris built by Saint Louis. We will see the relic presumed to be Jesus' Crown of Thorns for which La Chapelle was built, learn about the chapel's history and construction, and look closely at La Chapelle's truly breathtaking stained glass.